Texas State Field Championship 2017

April 29 & 30, 2017

Archer's Haven Archery Club, Canyon Lake, TX

This is a 2 day FITA Field round. You must compete both days to be eligible for an award.    

All rounds will be MARKED distances (METERS) shooting at 24 different targets. Shooting positions marked with colored spray dots on the ground. There will be a SPIKE with the colored distance plates attached. The plates will be FACE-DOWN. So you walk up to your color (Red, Blue, Yellow, or White), and GUESS at what distance you are. THEN, take a peek at the underside of the plate to see the actual distance and set it back face-down, and set your sight accordingly! Please leave the plates face-down for the next archer! This is being done only to allow you the opportunity to "range" your distance if you are going to be shooting any unmarked rounds, like US Field Nationals.

Results Here


Red: 10m - 60m
Adult / Master / Junior: Recurve, Compound

Adult / Master / Junior: Barebow
Cadet: Recurve, Compound

Yellow: 5m - 40m
Cadet: Barebow
Cub: Recurve, Compound

White: 5m - 30m
Cub: Barebow
Bowman / Yeoman: Recurve, Compound