TSAA 25m Series

Tournament Format: 25m double round (60 arrows) @ 60cm targets. Triple spot, inner 10s for compounds and fixed pins. $25/archer for non-sactioned event, $5 for TSAA. $30/archer for sanctioned events, $7 for TSAA.

Championship Format: After the first tournament, a minimum qualifying score (MQS) will be established based on the highest single round score for each class of competition.  After each tournament in the series, the MQS will be updated based on the tournament results.  The MQS will be fixed when the championship registration is opened.  To participate in the championship brackets (described below) an archer must shoot a single round score equal to or greater than the MQS.  

The formula for the MQS and the eligible competition classes are as follows:
U18/21, Senior, and Masters Compound: (Score) X 0.93
U13/15 Compound: (Score) X 0.85

U18/21, Senior, and Masters Fixed Pins: (Score) X 0.93
U13/15 Fixed Pins: (Score) X 0.85

U18/21, Senior, and Masters Recurve: (Score) X 0.93
U13/15 Recurve: (Score) X 0.80

U18/21, Senior, and Masters Barebow: (Score) X 0.93
U13/15 Barebow: (Score) X 0.80

Example – A high score for Senior Compound of 285 would mean the MQS for the class is 265.  285 x 0.93=265.05


Bulverde is set for the first event! October 5th at the Arrow Minded Archery range. Follow this link for registration.



Bryan Texas will host the second tournament on October 26th. The location will be at Still Creek Ranch, 6055 Hearne Road, Bryan Texas.

Registration link will be up soon.


The 3rd tournament will be held again at AMO in Bulverde November 6th, with the finals coming in December and that location is to be determined at a later time.



Championship and elimination round format:

The championship will be double qualification round (this round is open registration and the last chance to make MQS) which will determine the placement for a single elimination bracket (comprised only of archers that meet the MQS) that will decide the series champions.  Each bracket will shoot an end for score, with the higher score advancing.  Ties will be resolved by single arrow shoot-outs.

Champions' Prizes:

The championship prize will be a challenge coin for each division's champion.

Other info:

The series will run from September to December, 2024.  This series is intended to give our outdoor ranges something to host over the indoor season – please reach out if you would like to host! Prices are set for $25 for non-sactioned event, $5 for TSAA. $30 for sanctioned events, $7 for TSAA.

Record: TSAA will recognize record claim for 25m for any classes that are currently recognized for 18m. Additionally, TSAA will only recognize records established/broken at USA Archery Sanctioned tournaments. Tournament hosts are encouraged to sanction for this reason. Sanctioning fees will be covered by TSAA. TSAA will pay for judges.